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Showing posts from June, 2024

Localization is not one class, they are four

It is rather stupid that localization and language in web-apps are the same. They are not one, but separate classes. While US English is the dominant language in science, the old Roman Imperial measurement system is not. One should be able to use en-US for spelling etc. While using metric measure; ISO date format and in numbers the ‘,’ for thousand separator and the ‘.’ for decimal separator. So there is not 1 class, there are four: language; measure-system; dating-system and number-notation system.

The end of Windows is underway

Thanks to the virtual machine (VM) revolution, slowly but surely UX (unix like) operating systems are becoming the defacto industry standard. All Apple OS-es are UX based. Android is UX based. All internet is UX based. The whole Linux family of OS-es are UX based. The only remaining exception is Windows. The virtual machine revolution and cloud based (UX) computing is nail in the coffin for Windows however. Now  Google acquired Cameyo and with that brings Windows apps to ChromeOS. It is only a matter of time and all the functionality only available on Windows will be available as a SaaS or ( first  in VM mode) on Linux. All companies (for example SolidWorks ) start to offer SaaS, forced by the market. They feel the pressure  of OnShape . Most development work is already done on Linux based machines. Windows is also becoming legacy because there is extra cost involved to make apps for Windows compatible  with the newest generation of hardware (linke Tablets). This is putting Windows fi