The unreliable ID? In many articles, the IT industry complains about the fussy nature of the phone number as a reliable ID. For example, in this article . What wend wrong? The ITU It was original set up by governments to resolve international issues on standards for telecommunication. One of their standards is the Telephone numbering plan . This telephone numbering plan was set up in a time of fixed landlines, never considering mobile personal use. Who has ownership? Let's have a look at the international public telecommunication numbering plan E.164 . The first 3 digits are the country code or country calling code . Counties control the subscribers assignment in the networks of the member countries. So countries have jurisdiction over the subscriber assignment in the country networks. In that regard, the county calling code is the jurisdiction code ! National governments have ownership! To me, it looks like governments fail to provide the public service we (the people) could expe...
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