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Google fails but Firefox too!

Google clearly gets more and more influenced by typical old style USA marketing people. And with that it loses the quality edge.
Youtube and other advertising platforms present you all the time with advertisements not fitting your interests. Cashing with it on de advertiser and annoying you with sounds and images about things you never will buy!
Google introduces Chromebooks (a nice and user friendly Linux solution) but then marketing comes in and you need to replace your hardware every 3 to 5 years.
They have a super photo storage solution but then marketing comes in and you are in the dark.
Chromecast was nice until marketing came in and stopped with chromecast audio. Now we have creepy listeners all over the house. (Or you stop using chromecast as I did).

I liked Google but it starts to annoy me more and more. I love their innovative power and their openness toward open-source. But I hate the increasing influence by creepy sales.

I'm sad about the poor sense for customer needs by open source communities.
I use the Chrome browser because it offers me functionality Firefox does not offer. I use Drive next to LibreOffice because it offers me functionality LibreOffice does not offer.

So: Corporations (in general) are more focus on user requirements than the opensource community. On the other hand they tend to go overboard with marketing and sales.
As with all things the trick is to pick the best of both worlds and dump suppliers who do not deliver a balanced added value, price package.

For now (for personal use) I dumpt Chromecast, Google Photo and Chromebook. And for business use we stopped being a Google Certified G Suite supplier. There is namely no valid earning model for small business to support G Suite.

Still I think G Suite and Chromebook are perfect solutions for non IT businesses. Better than the (only marketing and no added value) solutions of Microsoft.

We recognize two type of users: The users that don't need a workstation for designing; recording; editing; developing and the users that do need this. For the first category the Google suite (Android, Chromebook, G Suite) is the most efficient solution today. For the second Apple hardware; Linux and Windows (for some specific functionality because the software only runs on windows) is the best. Though in combinatie met G Suite.


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