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Annoying stupid smart functions in Google WorkSpace

Annoying stupid smart functions in Google Workspace.

For the context. I had enough of Bill Gates, his marketing and pushy sales force a long time ago. And have abandoned Microsoft completely in 2014. I never ever will buy anything from them again. Certainly, not ChatGTP (Babylon 2.0 in the making). And when Zuckerberg showed up, I rapidly saw he was a second Bill Gates and I never installed any app of him, and never will. So from US big tech, I only use Apple and Google stuff.

Google and Apple are king in “thinking for you” in the wrong way. Consequently, making your live less efficient rather than more efficient. This writing is about that, based on example cases.

The first disaster I experienced in this regard has been the day that Apple decided to organize my photo's for me. With as a consequence, my organization of my history was completely messed up. After a year, I decided to take all my images away from the iCloud and put them on Dropbox. Now I organize my history myself.

With Google, it was the same. Picasa worked fine. Then Google+ came along with Google Photo, initially made a mess of my organization. Again after a wile. I installed Dropbox for Android on my mobile devices and got into control myself. Not being annoyed by Artificial Stupidity by Big Tech.

What kind of brand is Google, anyway? A search and advertising brand? A cloud brand? A ... what the hack brand? Why don't they have a separate brand for services like WorkSpace? Or for Images? Apple at least is clearly a hardware brand.

In my view, the current way of organizing data (largely online) is not in line with the need for a more environment integrated human existence.

The USA big tech is on a dead-end road. With the global demographics peak passed, we need smarter and smaller, not bigger and pricier.


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